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What is a Birthing class really like?


If you are pregnant and starting to think about birth preparation or antenatal classes you are facing a choice of lots of classes. Pregnancy yoga, hospital antenatal classes, hypnobirthing, NCT? This blog will give you a feel for why I love Daisy Birthing – it takes the best elements of all of those and a little Daisy magic to give you so much more.

One of the most important things my Birthing classes give you is a safe space.

A safe space where you can explore how you are feeling about your pregnancy, your body, your birth, your baby.

These might be things that you are quietly processing as we flow through the gentle movement. They might be questions you ask as I share this week’s education topic.

They might be the chat you have with other mums as we catch up at the start or as you’re leaving.

Or they might be the late night thoughts you share on the WhatsApp group for your class.

So when I talk about what happens in a class I’m not going to be sharing the discussions and oversharing that regularly happens! It’s a safe space for a reason. Every pregnant mum has got something that’s worrying her or a question that she just can’t get out of her head and I love the fact that we have space to share that. Plus if you’re wondering, then chances are someone else is too….

Daisy classes bring you classes that are designed for all expectant mums. We see first, second, third, time mums and it’s a great mix to have mums in class with all sorts of experience of birth and babies. It’s also the ideal way to make local mum friends!

It also doesn’t matter at all what your plans for your birth are. Whether you are all about keeping it natural and focused on active birth, value pain relief, know you’ll need an induction or a c-section we’ve got something for you. And you won’t feel judged for your choices. Because they are YOUR choices, my role is make sure you are supported and know your options so you can make informed choices that work best for you.

Birthing classes are all about preparing mentally and physically for birth. We do gentle pregnancy yoga movement that will help with your pregnancy aches and pains but also help the all important birth muscles get ready for the big day. This doesn’t mean making them as strong and tight as you possibly can, often quite the opposite. Your baby needs as much space as possible so birth is often more about releasing and relaxing as you let your body open and create space. Tightening is for postnatal!

Worried about pelvic girdle pain (SPD), a back injury or something else causing problems with your pregnancy? Not a problem, all our movement is safe for pregnancy but sometimes we might need to make some adjustments just to be extra careful. If you aren’t sure let me know before we start and I can help you.

Birthing class education is great! Just enough to help you see how birth works and give you breathing techniques, positions and movements to help you. All in bite sized chunks every week. And all delivered in dim lighting when you’re nice and relaxed. Just how you want to be in birth! Over the term you get lots of practice of the breathing and you will use some of the positions and movements so it’s all in your muscle memory ready for when you need it most.

For a lot of mums relaxation is the highlight of the class. It’s what brings mums back for another term and brings them back when they are pregnant again. The whole class is so relaxing and calm but the end is when we really get into deep relaxation. You might have thought about hypnobirthing but not be too sure if it’s for you or maybe you don’t have a willing birth partner to do it with you. Our final relaxation is a chance to learn some of those methods as you lie down, snuggle into your blanket, close your eyes and float away while I read you through a guided relaxation every week. We’ll journey through fear release to positivity as you become aware of your connection with body and baby.

It’s no wonder mums message me saying they have the best sleep after a birthing class!

If you are 14 + weeks pregnant come and join us and prepare for a positive, confident birth. Classes locally run in Harrow and Pinner but you’ll find Daisy classes all over the country.



Wednesday 8th January
Baby Classes

Wednesday 8th January
The Antenatal Course

Monday 13th January
Confident Birth Workshop

Thursday 23rd January
The Birthing Class Pinner

Tuesday 25th February Confident Birth Workshop

Wednesday 26th February
The Antenatal Course
What's On?
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