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The Antenatal Course
Your fully comprehensive antenatal course - birth, postnatal, babycare, parenting and feeding
Are you looking for the most amazing antenatal preparation?

Somewhere you can;

ask any questions you want to?
be honest about how you are feeling?
get reliable, straightforward information?
feel supported in the way you want to birth or parent?
get all the information you need to make your own choices?
have ongoing support to birth and beyond?
be in a small group we can personalise content?

If you are looking for unbiased, up to date evidence based information with an experienced teacher, this is the course for you!

You will be confidently prepared for birth and the early days and weeks with your baby with all the tools, knowledge and support you could need. 

When it comes to pregnancy, any number of emotions can overwhelm us. From excitement, fear, anxiety, delight, uncertainty, confusion – and these may well be different every day! I recognise this and have created this course to help you navigate not just the practicalities but the emotions too.

Once you are pregnant you are surrounded by well meaning advice, information and advertising and it can be confusing to know what is reliable and also what works for you and your family.

The Antenatal Course is a safe space to learn, process lots of new information and figure out how your options for birth, postnatal recovery and caring for your baby. It will look different for everyone and that is totally fine - I have no agenda other than offering you support and confidence in your own decisions.

When we talk birth it is everything from natural coping techniques to caesarean births, no shying away from difficult subjects and all approached with honesty and space to ask and learn.

Our small groups make it easy to get to know the others on your course and the WhatsApp group means you can all stay in touch through the classes and beyond.

But antenatal classes are to help you prepare and this is the most comprehensive way to do that. Everything you need for you and your partner in one place!
Important Class Information

The Antenatal Course is for the pregnant person plus partner, co-parent or other support person. It is 15 hours of jam-packed content (and usually a little extra!) taught over 6 weeks (2.5 hour session per week).

Classes are suitable for all pregnancy related conditions, birth preferences and parenting choices. My aim is for you to feel supported to make the right choices for you.

Courses run throughout the year and you will aim to join when you are around 26-30 weeks. Please get in touch if you are unsure when to book for. 
Frequently Asked Questions
What will the course cover?

Antenatal Education Starting with the labour process and journey. Learning how to confidently work with your body to help labour move along. Then we’ll work through common decisions that may need to be made. What interventions you may encounter; instrumental and c-section delivery and what to expect during these Active Birth Education Learn wonderful techniques, positions and movements to understand how to encourage the birthing process. Getting Prepared We’ll discuss what to pack, your birth plan and preferences, place of birth choice, when to contact the midwife and considerations of labour environment Breathing, movement, relaxation and birth hypnosis techniques Learn and practive proven Daisy breathing, movement, and relaxation techniques. Perfect for pregnancy, labour and beyond. 3 Daisy breathing techniques for each stage of labour but also for every day life! Massage techniques for pregnancy and labour Learn a range of importnat massage and hold methods to help lower adrenaline and encourage labour. Practice them alongside all the other techniques that you’ll learn Role of the Birth Partner The role of a birth partner is vital and we include tips and techniques for your to be central to the process for all eventualities. As a birth partner you’ll get a chance to practice techniques to calm, relax and support. Parenting Choices From birthing choice to choices surrounding newborn checks and tests. From resusable or disposable nappies and wipes, babywearing to buggies. Routines to being baby-led and so much more, we’ll help you figure out your options. Postnatal and Babycare Recovery Understand postnatal plans and why they are so important. We’ll discuss how you might feel physically and mentally and how to be kind to yourself as you recover during the first few months. Importantly we discuss postnatal depression and PTSD so you know the signs and understand what to do. Babycare Basics Get hands-on practice of handling, holding, dressing, nappy changing, cord care, bathing and winding a baby. Learn about baby’s sleep patterns to help you set your expectations. How to tell wheh they are hungry and how many nappy changes to expect! Infant Feeding Gain practical and evidence based education and information on all aspects of infant feeding. We cover everything you need to know for breastfeeding, expressing and bottle feeding. We’ll troubleshoot the common challenges, set expectations of normal newborn behaviour and learn how to know when feeding is going well. Baby Safety Gain confidence in the recommendations and guidance for keeping your baby safe as we start to think about household safety and babyproofing. Calming and Cues You’ll learn how to interpret baby’s cues and learn techniques for calming baby’s cries. Most notably we incorporate some of what we do in our baby classes too so you can be off to a confident start. Partners and Relationships We discuss how partners might be feeling, how they can bond with their little ones and how they can be actively involved in caring for their baby. Start to think about how a new baby might change things in your relationship and what you can do to prepare.

I am planning a caesarean birth, can I still attend?

Yes! When we talk about birth we talk about all births, including caesaren births so you will be able to think about your preferences for birth. The breathing techniques are still really useful for caesareans and as babies don't always read the plan you never know what other techniques you might use. It never hurts to be prepared for anything!

Can I bring my partner?

Yes! The Antenatal Course is for you and your partner, co-parent or another person who will be supporting you. If you want to chat about your family set-up prior or the course please get in touch.

How much are classes?

The Antenatal Course is £285 per couple/family. If you are booking in advance you can take advantage of the earlybird price of £260.

When and where?

The Antenatal Course runs throughout the year at St Peters Church, Sumner Road, HA1 4BX. There is an onsite car park and it is walking distance from several bus routes as well as Harrow-on-the-Hill and West Harrow stations. Classes are on Wednesday evenings 7-9.30pm. Please get in touch if you want to discuss attending part of the course or for private sessions.

What is the format of the classes?

You will have mainly classroom based learning but all sessions are very interactive with lots of space for questions and discussions. There are practical elements every week with breathing, massage, nappy changing, clothes, feeding positions, swaddles, winding etc. After each session you will receive a follow up email recapping the main points with further reading and downloadable reminders so note taking is not essential. I have been teaching antenatal classes since 2013 and you have my ongoing support for questions throughout the course and beyond.

When should I book and attend?

The best time to start classes is around 26-30 weeks, book as soon as you can! If you can't see dates to suit, you left it a bit late or classes are sold out send me a message to see if we can find a solution.

Wednesday 8th January
Baby Classes

Wednesday 8th January
The Antenatal Course

Monday 13th January
Confident Birth Workshop

Thursday 23rd January
The Birthing Class Pinner

Tuesday 25th February Confident Birth Workshop

Wednesday 26th February
The Antenatal Course
What's On?
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