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Active Birth Workshop
Prepare for labour with all the tools and techniques you and your birth partner need for a positive birth

How are you both feeling about birth? Maybe a bit unsure what to expect, a bit uncertain what a birth partner will actually do?


The Active Birth Workshop is a one-off session which will give you and your birth partner the knowledge and tools for birth.


You will get straightforward, upto date, evidence based information. No game playing, no role plays (breathing and massage techniques practice only!), just a chance to learn together. 


Learning together will help you both understand your choices, your preferences and the pros and cons to make your informed decisions.


Having someone beside you to advocate for you if needed is such an important thing and making sure that person understands birth, knows your breathing and what positions you plan to use means they can keep you on track and protect your space when you need it. 


The Active Birth Workshop is great for first time parents or as a refresher if you've done this before.


Workshops are held in your home (location dependent) or online. Please get in touch to enquire about availability.



Frequently Asked Questions
What do you cover?

The Active Birth Workshop is designed to prepare you for labour and birth. You will learn what matters in birth, the 3 principles that underpin everything and understand how they can impact the progress of your birth. We cover a labour journey from the first signs all the way through to you holding your baby and birthing the placenta. I will teach you all about the hormones of birth, how they interact and how you can ensure they are working at their best. We will cover movement and positions so you can work easily with your body to help your labour progress and feel more manageable. You will learn three amazing breathing techniques to support you through the labour journey. There will be lots of information for your birth partner to know how they can support you and be a team to ensure you have the best birth experience for you. You will also learn our very popular massage techniques. You will learn lots about your options and will find out more about common interventions and medical pain relief options.

Who can attend with me?

The workshop is designed for the pregnant person plus birth partner. This may be your partner or you might have chosen someone else - your mum, sister or friend - whoever is your birth partner is welcome. If you are having a private workshop you can choose who else would attend with you. If you are part of a group workshop please message me if you have a second birth partner who would like to join.

I have had a baby before, is this workshop suitable for me?

Absolutely! The Active Birth Workshop gives a brilliant refresher if this isn't your first baby as well as being a comprehensive labour preparation for first time parents. If you have had a baby before the workshop can offer you a different preparation and give you more insight into birth. For some parents with previous experience of birth a private workshop is sometimes the best option so you can fully personalise the session to your needs and previous experiences.

I think I will have a caesarean birth, is this workshop for me?

The Active Birth Workshop focuses on the labour journey so if you know a caesarean birth is the most likely for you it is not the workshop for you. I firmly believe everyone should have some birth preparation - even with a planned caesarean you never know what is going to happen and when. But if a caesarean birth is the most likely for you, you could consider attending The Antenatal Course which covers all aspects of birth, or contact to arrange a bespoke birth workshop.

What is the cost?

Group workshop are £95 per couple with a maximum of 5 couples. Private workshops are £125 online or £160 in your home (local to the Harrow area, contact me to confirm I can travel to you).

Wednesday 8th January
Baby Classes

Wednesday 8th January
The Antenatal Course

Monday 13th January
Confident Birth Workshop

Thursday 23rd January
The Birthing Class Pinner

Tuesday 25th February Confident Birth Workshop

Wednesday 26th February
The Antenatal Course
What's On?
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